College Logo 

The Pasco-Hernando State College logo is the primary graphic identity for the institution. As the emblem for the entire PHSC community, great care should be given to correctly use the master logo. Our logo is one of our most important assets. Consistent treatment is key to creating a clear understanding of who we are and what we stand for.

It is a combination of the monogram and the College’s name or “signature” in two colors, in a fixed relationship that should not be altered or modified. The PHSC logo should appear in black and gold whenever possible only in the configurations presented here.

All departments/offices within the college, except for Athletics, Student Life and Leadership, and the PHSC Foundation must use the official PHSC Master logo. Department logos are created in special circumstances with the approval of the Senior Director of Marketing and Communications and have limited use.

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The logo must be on the front cover of all printed materials created for external (student and community) audiences. For internal (employee) audiences, the logo can be placed either on the front or back cover. For all official documents, logos must be at top left of page.

Clear Space

Clear space isolates the logo from competing elements—such as text and graphics. This preserves the integrity of the logo and ensures legibility prominence.

Always maintain the minimum clear space around the logo. The minimum clear space is based on a height of 0.5’’ on all four sides of the logo. 

Approved Alternate Logos

In applications in which the preferred logo treatment does not present well, use an approved alternate logo. The approved clear space is 0.5” around all PHSC logos. 


The PHSC logo is a strong mark that can be scaled proportionally to a wide range of sizes. However, a logo that is too small, will be illegible and ineffective. The minimum size of a logo varies and depends on the version used. When scaled proportionally, the smallest sizes for the approved logos are as follows:

Missing text description of smallest approved sizes

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Master Logo­—Improper Logo Treatments

Consistency is key when establishing and maintaining the integrity of a brand. Do not make modifications to any PHSC logo. 


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