LogoCollege Logo
The Pasco-Hernando State College logo is the primary graphic identity for the institution. As the emblem for the entire PHSC community, great care should be given to correctly use the master logo. Our logo is one of our most important assets. Consistent treatment is key to creating a clear understanding of who we are and what we stand for.
It is a combination of the monogram and the College’s name or “signature” in two colors, in a fixed relationship that should not be altered or modified. The PHSC logo should appear in black and gold whenever possible only in the configurations presented here.
All departments/offices within the college, except for Athletics, Student Life and Leadership, and the PHSC Foundation must use the official PHSC Master logo. Department logos are created in special circumstances with the approval of the Senior Director of Marketing and Communications and have limited use.
Black and Gold on White Stacked
Black on White Horizontal
Black on White Horizontal Straight Text
White and Gold on Black Stacked
Gold and Black Stacked
White on Black Stacked
White and Gold on Black Horizontal
Gold on Black Horizontal
White on Black Horizontal
White on Black Horizontal Straight Text
Gold on Black Horizontal Straight Text
The logo must be on the front cover of all printed materials created for external (student and community) audiences. For internal (employee) audiences, the logo can be placed either on the front or back cover. For all official documents, logos must be at top left of page.
Clear Space
Clear space isolates the logo from competing elements—such as text and graphics. This preserves the integrity of the logo and ensures legibility prominence.
Always maintain the minimum clear space around the logo. The minimum clear space is based on a height of 0.5’’ on all four sides of the logo.
Determined from the bottom of the PHSC text to the bottom of the Pasco-Hernando text. All four sides at the minimum.
Determined From the height of the wording Pasco-Hernando to the top of the wording State College. All four sides at the minimum.
Horizontal Straight Text
Determined by the height of the text itself. All four sides at the minimum.
Approved Alternate Logos
In applications in which the preferred logo treatment does not present well, use an approved alternate logo. The approved clear space is 0.5” around all PHSC logos.
The PHSC logo is a strong mark that can be scaled proportionally to a wide range of sizes. However, a logo that is too small, will be illegible and ineffective. The minimum size of a logo varies and depends on the version used. When scaled proportionally, the smallest sizes for the approved logos are as follows:
Stacked: 1.4’’x 0.6221’’
Horizontal 2’’x 0.3238’
Horizontal Straight text: 1.85’’ x 0.1179’’
Master Logo—Improper Logo Treatments
Consistency is key when establishing and maintaining the integrity of a brand. Do not make modifications to any PHSC logo.
Do not change the color.
Do not separate the elements from one another.
Do not distort.
Do not use unapproved fonts.
Do not skew the elements.
Do not rotate the elements.
Do not use PHSC only.
Do not make the logo unreadable.
Do not stroke or outline.
College Seal
College SealOfficial College Seal
The college seal features the central image of a stately oak tree. The proud oak represents growth, beauty, wisdom, and the power of education. The roots of the oak run deep in our two-county district, signifying the College’s stable connection to the community. Branches represent the many disciplines of higher education, reaching for enlightenment. The oak’s leaves symbolize the cycle of education, an ageless process that spans time and provides opportunities for each new generation. The symbol of the oak tree, expressed in black and gold, is rimmed by the name of the College and anchored by the date of its establishment.
College Seal Guidelines and Usage
The most formal symbol of Pasco-Hernando State College is the seal. It is the official academic signature of the College. As such, the seal is reserved for use on formal documents or forms of the highest official rank and include:
- Communications from the Office of the President
- Official documents including diplomas and legal documents
- Official three-dimensional presentations including commencement medallions and podium displays
The College seal is not interchangeable with the College logo. The College seal should not be used on items such as promotional materials, general stationery, pins, business cards or most College signage.
In accordance with Board Rule 6Hx19-1.19, the seal may only be used with permission of the Office of Marketing and Communications or the President.
The College seal may be used in full color, black and white or the designated colors of the College. The College seal may be foil stamped in gold. Use only reproduction quality images of the seal, available from the Office of Marketing and Communications, for direct reproduction.
Clear Space
To give the seal the maximum amount of emphasis, a clear zone surrounding the seal must be maintained. This clear space size of 0.5’’.
The minimum size the seal can be printed measures 1.4375” square.
Program Emblem
Program EmblemProgram Emblem and patch
Program emblems are limited in usage and reserved for PHSC health and workforce academies—type treatment for uniform embroidery and imprint, and official invites and programs for a specific program and/or academy.
Program emblems and patches are not to be used in promotional materials.
Spirit Brand
Spirit BrandPHSC Spirit Brand
The PHSC Spirit Logo is relatable to PHSC students, providing a sense of belonging and identity with the College. It conveys bold confidence, fearlessness, and impressive courage—all characteristics that we value here at Pasco-Hernando State College. A solitary predator by nature, the bobcat represents a culture of persistence and adaptability in an ever-changing environment.
The PHSC Spirit logo is used by PHSC Athletics and PHSC Student Life and Leadership. It can also be used on PHSC promotional items, with the permission of PHSC Office of Marketing and Communications.
Master Palette
Color is one of the most important elements of PHSC’s brand identity. It’s important that the master color palette remains consistent across printed materials and electronic formats. Color specifications are given in Pantone (PMS), CMYK, and RGB values to accommodate a range of technical and media considerations. Secondary support palette remains the same.
Clear Space
All PHSC Spirit logos must always have enough uninterrupted space, also known as clear space surrounding it. When positioning the logo near text, image-heavy applications, or edges of the page, always maintain the minimum area of protection space. The minimum area of protection between the logo and any other creative elements on any piece is 0.75’’ inches (illustrated below).
No more than one logo should appear or display on the same product/material.
Consistent typography is a crucial piece of the PHSC brand. The following fonts and intended usage are provided below to ensure consistency when developing new elements.
- Be True to Your School—Font used for Bobcat wordmark.
- College Block—Non-outlined font used for sports names underneath Bobcat wordmark.
- Fjalla One—Font used for “Pasco-Hernando State College” under sports name.
- Open Sans—Font used for body copy.
Spirit Accent Elements
Brand personality is just like the personality of human beings. Accent elements evoke emotional or personal qualities that we associate with our spirit brand. Elements of the brand identity including the color of the logo and the typography on the brand name add to the personality.
These recognizable and simple spirit personality elements help enhance brand awareness, enhance associations, and encourage positive emotions and feeling.
PHSC Athletics mascot
Please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications for usage information if for other than athletics or merchandise purposes.
Athletics and Merchandise Only Spirit Treatments
Consistency is key when establishing and maintaining the integrity of a brand. Do not make any modifications to the PHSC Spirit Logo or its additional elements without prior approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.
The following examples show just a few merchandise options.