Pasco-Hernando State College

Our brand is our culture, principles, reputation, and the stories we tell to influence opinions. We all deliver a brand experience to our community through our interactions with others; through customer service, advertising, marketing, public relations, and our visual identity. By sharing information and stories about the College with our community, and being consistent with our messaging, we encourage quick recognition and build our reputation.

What is a brand?

When you say “brand,” logos, colors, or fonts come to mind. But a brand is much more – it’s an entire structure, the images, messaging, and way of thinking. It’s about style and consistency. Brand consistency among all campuses/ locations, divisions, departments and teams at PHSC ensures a solid image and solidifies name recognition to our community.

There are many ways to define a brand. The Dictionary of Brand defines brand as “a person’s perception of a product, service, experience, or organization.” According to higher education brand consulting firm mStoner, “A brand is what you stand for in the minds of the people you are trying to reach, influence, or move to action.” Essentially, it is how our prospective students, parents, donors, and the community view our College – it is who they think we are; it is our culture; it is our personality.