Spirit Brand

Spirit Brand

PHSC Spirit Brand

The PHSC Spirit Logo is relatable to PHSC students, providing a sense of belonging and identity with the College. It conveys bold confidence, fearlessness, and impressive courage—all characteristics that we value here at Pasco-Hernando State College. A solitary predator by nature, the bobcat represents a culture of persistence and adaptability in an ever-changing environment.

The PHSC Spirit logo is used by PHSC Athletics and PHSC Student Life and Leadership. It can also be used on PHSC promotional items, with the permission of PHSC Office of Marketing and Communications.

Master Palette

Color is one of the most important elements of PHSC’s brand identity. It’s important that the master color palette remains consistent across printed materials and electronic formats. Color specifications are given in Pantone (PMS), CMYK, and RGB values to accommodate a range of technical and media considerations. Secondary support palette remains the same. 

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Clear Space

All PHSC Spirit logos must always have enough uninterrupted space, also known as clear space surrounding it. When positioning the logo near text, image-heavy applications, or edges of the page, always maintain the minimum area of protection space. The minimum area of protection between the logo and any other creative elements on any piece is 0.75’’ inches (illustrated below).

No more than one logo should appear or display on the same product/material.

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Consistent typography is a crucial piece of the PHSC brand. The following fonts and intended usage are provided below to ensure consistency when developing new elements.

  • Be True to Your School—Font used for Bobcat wordmark.
  • College Block—Non-outlined font used for sports names underneath Bobcat wordmark.
  • Fjalla One—Font used for “Pasco-Hernando State College” under sports name.
  • Open Sans—Font used for body copy.

Spirit Accent Elements

Brand personality is just like the personality of human beings. Accent elements evoke emotional or personal qualities that we associate with our spirit brand. Elements of the brand identity including the color of the logo and the typography on the brand name add to the personality.

These recognizable and simple spirit personality elements help enhance brand awareness, enhance associations, and encourage positive emotions and feeling.

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PHSC Athletics mascot

Please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications for usage information if for other than athletics or merchandise purposes.

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Athletics and Merchandise Only Spirit Treatments

Consistency is key when establishing and maintaining the integrity of a brand. Do not make any modifications to the PHSC Spirit Logo or its additional elements without prior approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

The following examples show just a few merchandise options.

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