

Color Palette

Master Palette

We are black and gold! We use white as needed to emphasize those two colors.

Our logo should only be displayed in our master colors. In contrast to it’s counter part color. Gold logo on black is preferred. A piece of visual collateral should be made up of 50% in total of black or gold, and 25% of it’s counter part for a total of 75%. The counterpart of the main chosen color should be the headline and body copy can include white. Color is one of the most important elements of PHSC’s brand identity. It’s important that the PHSC Master Color Palette remains consistent across printed materials and electronic formats. Master Color specifications are given in Pantone (PMS), CMYK, RGB and web values to accommodate a range of technical and media considerations.


RGB: 0/0/0
CMYK: 75/68/67/90
HEX: #000000

Master Palette Black



RGB: 230/187/0
CMYK: 11/24/100/0
HEX: #e6bb00

Master Palette Gold



RGB: 255/255/255
CMYK: 0/0/0/0
HEX: #ffffff
Preferably only to be used in print cases limited to black and white or product merchandise printing.

Master Palette White


Secondary Support Palette

The purpose of the Secondary Color Palette is to offer flexibility to balance the need for consistency while building brand recognition. The secondary palette must be used in support of the Master Palette, not in place of it. The are not to be used as a background fill or total coverage. They are limited to 2 colors x 10% of the total visual area for an asset of a total of 20%. Our logo is not allowed to appear in these colors. White text should be used on these colors. The purpose of the Secondary Color Palette is to offer flexibility to balance the need for consistency while building brand recognition. The secondary palette must be used in support of the Master Color Palette, not in place of it. Color specifications are given in, CMYK, RGB and web values to accommodate a range of technical and media considerations


RGB: 59/115/185
CMYK: 80/53/0/0
HEX: #3b73b9

Secondary Support Palette Blue



RGB: 0/111/70
CMYK: 89/32/87/22
HEX: #006f46

Secondary Support Palette Green


Smoky Blue

RGB: 61/66/98
CMYK: 82/76/38/25
HEX: #3d4262

Secondary Support Palette Smoky Blue



RGB: 112/112/112
CMYK: 57/48/48/15
HEX: #707070

Secondary Support Palette Gray


Accent Colors

We use these to draw attention to and/or accentuate an item of interest Example may be a stroke on a button saying “Apply Today!” These colors should not be used as body copy or headline text. Combined or individually these should not be used more than 5% of the visible area of an asset. Color specifications are given in, CMYK, RGB and web values to accommodate a range of technical and media considerations.


RGB: 129/0/127
CMYK: 60/100/14/3
HEX: #81007f

Accent Color Purple


Sharp Teal

RGB: 0/255/204
CMYK: 55/0/38/0
HEX: #00ffcc

Accent Color Teal


Color Palette Breakdowns

Incorrect usage compromises the integrity of the brand. Based on the Color Bridge Coated—The Plus Series Pantone Book values.